In this article, we are telling you about Infected Android Phone Using Termux, you must have done research about Infected Android Phone at some point in time.
Here you will get answers to all the questions related to Infected Android Phone, here we are telling you practically everything, you should never use it wrong.
Here we are telling you about Infected Android Phone using termux, here you are being told a very easy way of Infected Android Phone which you can use.
This article is only for Educational Purpose. Don’t miss use your Knowledge and Skills.
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What is Infect Tool and How it Works
Here we are telling you about the tool, the name of the tool is infect and it is also very easy to use, before going practically about Infected Android Phone, you should know how this tool works.
When you install this tool and run it, then this tool gives you a link, that link is the download link of an app that is sent to the victim and the app is installed.

Here we want to make one more thing clear to you, whether you use this tool or we always get the download link of the same app, you can also use the direct link if you want.
As soon as that app victim installs his phone, his android phone has many problems like deleting its data, resetting the phone, phone slow or hanging, and many such problems happen.
Do not install this app on your mobile, we have also seen this app by installing it on our other phone and the screenshots we took were automatically deleted so you are being warned here first, do not install it on your phone.
Warning- Do not install it on your phone
Practical of Infected Android Phone
Let us now tell you the practicals of Infected Android Phone, first of all, you have to install this tool like every time we use the apt update and apt upgrade command in termux, we have to do the same here too.

After doing all this you have to install some packages as you can see in the image also if you have followed all our articles then these packages will be already installed in your termux.

You have been told about all these packages in the article on how to use termux as a beginner, if you want, you can also read that articles.
After installing all these packages you have to install lolcat in termux which you can install by simply giving this command pip install lolcat.

After this you can install and use this tool, first, you have to clone this tool, after that you have to give executable permission to this tool as you can see in the image also.

After doing all this, you have to run this tool by simply giving this command, after running this tool, something like this is shown in front of you, here you are asked some options, you can ignore them and select anything.
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After doing all this, something like this opens in front of you, here you have to select 1 option as you can see in the image also.

As soon as you select the first option here, this link is shown in front of you, which you have to give to the victim, this is the download link of an application, but to install it, you must know about social engineering.
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As you can see in the image, the download link of the application is shown in front of you in this way, through this link the application is installed. Like this Infected Android Phone is practical doing.
Here we want to make one more thing clear to you, here this application can also be installed remotely by using the beef framework, when hacking is performed in the real environment, then many attacks are used simultaneously.
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After doing all this, when the link is sent to the victim, the application is downloaded in front of him in such a way as you can see in the image also.

In order to get this application downloaded and installed, the victim has to be convinced, for which you should know well about social engineering.

As soon as the victim installs, something like this is shown in front of him, here we are telling you by doing it on bluestacks because when we did it on our phone, all the data was automatically deleted after the application was installed.

That’s why you have been warned above that you do not install this application on your phone, after doing all this it shows something like this, as soon as you activate it, the data of the android phone gets deleted.
Final Words
We hope that now you know everything about Infected Android Phone Using Termux, we have told you practically everything here.
You have been told about Infected Android Phone Using Termux for all this educational purpose, do not misuse it in any way and you do not install this application on your phone.
There are many other ways to Infected Android Phone but here we have told you the easiest way which is also very easy to use.
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